Big Boy Bin

from $125.00

Please note: $200 includes a $75 bond for the bin, so the briquettes are only $125. It’s a wheelie good deal!

A wheelie bin filled with 80 kg mixed wood fire logs.

Please note: this product is only available for purchase in Auckland at the moment.

Wheelie Bin Included?:
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We’re excited to introduce a new option for the enthusiastic repeat customers. You are going to love this deal!

We have now worked out an easy and cost-effective way to supply you with our awesome hardwood briquettes all year round. It’s clean, dry and you can park it anywhere – in the garage or at the back door where you normally bring your wood in for the fire. In fact you can park it in the living room if you like!

First time buyers:

$200 Initial Fee which includes.

  • $200 for your first bin which includes a $75 bond on the bin

  • First fill of +/- 80Kg of mixed size natural wood briquettes

  • Delivery to Auckland Region

Refill time (returning buyers):

Send us an email to say you are out of briquettes and we will do a wheelie swap for you. Leave your empty bin at the front door or at the gate if you have a dog and we will bring a new full one to swap it out.

Please remember to return your bin in the same condition you received it as we are not a refuse disposal company and will not accept a dirty or damaged bin as a swap for a new full bin.

No longer need a Big Boy Bin?

You have two options when you decide to stop using the Big Boy Bin:

  • We collect the bin and replace it with 4x standard boxes of briquettes (worth $90)

  • OR you keep the bin


If we arrive to refill the bin OR collect it (when you no longer need the Big Boy Bin), and it is broken or not in the sale or similar condition as when it was delivered – we reserve the right to either leave it on site and it remains your property (we cannot do anything with a broken bin) or bring it back for repairs.

Depending on the extent of the repairs we will leave you with 0 – 4 boxes of the standard briquette boxes i.e. the wheels and axle are broken and need replacing at a cost of $40, then we will leave you with 2 boxes of briquettes and repair the wheelie bin for future use.

We are looking forward to supplying you all year round for the fireplace, BBQ or brazier!


In New Zealand, more people are using pizza ovens for outdoor cooking and fun. These wood ovens add a cosy touch to gatherings in the warm summer weather. This is why we made sure that our briquettes are purposely designed for wood-fired ovens both for pizza restaurants or if you have a pizza oven at home. Our briquette is designed to prevent the snap, crackle, spit and sputter of traditional firewood in the oven which makes them a popular choice because the moisture content is reduced which minimises unpredictable sounds and abrupt spurts of embers commonly encountered with natural firewood.

Using briquettes in a pizza oven can offer precise control over the cooking environment, making it easier to achieve the ideal conditions for a deliciously cooked pizza. The consistent heat from the briquettes helps the pizza cook evenly, resulting in a perfectly charred crust.  


Once you’ve tried barbequing with our Briquettes, you’ll never go back to operating a gas BBQ. Our briquettes are getting more popular because they're easy to use, tested food safe, CO2 neutral, has high heat output unlike regular wood that can be tricky to light and control, briquettes light up fast and stay at a steady temperature while you cook. Each bite of your barbeque brings a smoky taste and a mix of flavours that change as you eat. The special smoky flavour comes from being very careful about how they use wood and control the temperature. This makes the briquette's flavour mix perfectly with the natural taste of the ingredients, creating a really amazing taste.


A new way of cooking braai is gaining popularity with the use of briquettes which has similar properties to the South African Rooikrans. Briquette is a great substitute because it produces very little ash, making cleanup a breeze, and their long burn time is perfect for extended gatherings around the fire, creating a delightful blend of tradition and innovation in the art of braai.

Marque finds briquette the best and versatile logs available in New Zealand as he used it to smoke meat and regulate heat in his offset braai. “The coals generate good heat for cooking steak then when cooking is done, it’s time for a good warm and cosy fire,” says Marque. Our briquette has no glue or binding agents used in the production which means you can burn it for a longer period of time without worrying if it’s safe to use. 


There’s nothing quite like the long-lasting fire and good heat from your wood burner using briquette. When using a wood burner, make certain you're using suitable fuels. Briquette, guaranteed 100% recycled, has great heat output, and burns longer than any traditional fuel source. It has lower moisture content than wet wood and when burned it produces less smoke and less particulate matter pollution. How fast logs burn will vary depending on how hot your fire is, so it’s recommended to build a hotter fire. We recommend using 3-4 logs for good heat and a long-lasting fire. The best part? It’s cost effective because you don’t need to refill your logs because the more logs you burn at once, the more heat you generate.


If you're planning to spend some time outdoors, using a briquette will elevate your outdoor fire experience. Our briquettes are CO2 neutral and a 100% renewable source so it ensures that no harmful chemicals are emitted into the air which is an efficient option compared to an open flame using other fuel source. Tony describes his experience in using briquette on his charcoal grill brazier as awesome. “Great for cooking and heating with, no odour, no mess,” says Tony. Utilising briquettes in your brazier or fire pits ensures a steady, warm glow, setting the perfect ambiance for your outdoor gathering. You can relax and enjoy the cosy glow of the steady burning fire to fully soak in the atmosphere.

Tony loves that briquette can also be used as kindling to start a fire which is broken into small biscuits or whole as slow burning logs that give off plenty of heat. Tony recommends using briquettes because aside from it’s great for your heating and cooking needs, the delivery is fast and efficient. “Ordered them online the night before and arrived at my door the next day. End to end extraordinary product and service.”


Cooking in a smoker is a long process but with the right fuel source and preparation of ingredients, the end result will be a mouthwatering, smoky, delicious, juicy dish. Once you’ve tried using briquette for your smoker, you’ll never switch to charcoal again. Using briquette is one of the easiest ways to cook at a steady temperature while also infusing natural smoke flavour. Simon uses briquette for his smoker and tries them on sausages, chicken, lamb roast, and scotch fillet and is amazed how the taste turned out great. “I will not be using charcoal again,” says Simon. One of the advantages of using briquette over charcoal is that briquettes are formulated for a longer burn time and you can control the fire. 

As someone who enjoys grilling using a smoker, it’s important to choose the right amount of fuel source for a successful cooking and briquette offers everything you need for cooking in your smoker's needs.